
Mirror Carp

Mirror Carp have two barbels ("whiskers") on each side of the mouth.

They are generally fuller and more rounded in shape then Common Carp.

Most are bronze/gold to golden yellow on the sides and yellowish/white on the belly.

They have irregular and patchy scaling. Individual scales can be rather large and shiny.

Mirror Carp Illustration by Duane Raver, Jr.
Season Open Year-Round
Size Limit No Size Limit
Daily Limit / Person No Limit
Delaware Range Statewide
Abundance in Delaware Waters Uncommon
General Habitat and Food Preferences Mirror Carp, like common carp, prefer murky shallow water of ponds, sloughs, ditches, and rivers.

They are omnivores feeding on vegetable matter, as well as crayfish, and aquatic insects.
Did You Know? Mirror Carp are an introduced species to Delaware (meaning they are non-native).

The Mirror Carp is a mutation of the Common Carp.

It is believed that the fish was bred by monks in Asia to have a lack of scales which made it easier to prepare for the dinner table.
Common Lures and Baits Mirror Carp can be caught with small flies in clearer water.

Bait often includes canned corn, pieces of bread rolled into marble size balls, or marble size dough balls.
Typical Sizes Caught Mirror Carp are commonly caught at weights of 1 to 10 pounds by Delaware anglers.
Citation Minimum Length and Weight Live Release Award
Adult: 29 inches minimum
Youth (age 15 and under): 27inches minimum

Sport Fishing Tournament Award
Adult: 15 pounds minimum
Youth (age 15 and under): 11 pounds minimum

Mirror Carp are eligible for the Delaware Sport Fishing Tournament and Live Release "Carp" awards, but not currently eligible for an individual species award.
Delaware State Record 45 pounds
Ronald Burnett

"Carp" is a general category for Delaware records and can be Common Carp or Mirror Carp.

Mirror Carp are not currently eligible for an individual Delaware record.
